ESTIMATES: Are good for one week from date of Estimate.
EVALUATIONS: ARE FREE We know what to look for and can give you suggestions.
AVAILABLE PAY PAL : Pay Pal Payment for Services on-line.
Procedure for Clients. PLEASE Sign a Contract with TLC
TLC WEBSITE DESIGNS, agrees to provide Website Design and Maintenance for one year from contract date. Pay Half down upon this signed agreement and balance at completion not to exceed 60 days. All agreements are binding between TLC Website Designs and Client. NON-REFUNDABLE.
LIMITED LIABILITY: TLC Website Design is not liable for content on website. It is domain owners responsibility to provide correct content. In no event shall TLC Website Designs be liable for any lost data or content, lost profits, business interruption or for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising out of or relating to the materials or the services provided by TLC Website Designs. The services and the work product of the TLC Website Designs are sold “as is.” In all circumstances, the TLC Website Designs maximum liability to Client for damages for any and all causes whatsoever, and Client’s maximum remedy, regardless of the form of action whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be limited to TLC Website Designs net profit.
RENEWALS: Renewal of Account each year and due within 30 days of Statement. Cancellation of services if not paid 60 days from invoice date. $100 reinstatement fee on account if renewed. We pay for your hosting and domains ahead of time so if you don't pay we are billed for your product. We pay ahead of the game to save you money. All contracts are in good faith. Services are non-refundable if you cancel in the middle of the one year contract.
ADMINISTATIVE: We do not allow other companies or individuals access to your website design or account, unless previously agreed upon. Our Website Accounts are private and it is imperative for our clients protection.
MANAGEMENT: All Designs are managed by TLC Website Designs and may not be duplicated on another website or hosted on another server. Graphic design is owned and copyrighted by TLC Website Designs. YOU OWN YOUR DOMAIN, TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHS.
Contract of Services: Please sign and return to us.
You may download and mail to us or copy and email back to us
TLC Website Designs 435707 E 370 Rd Adair, OK 74330
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